Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Ok so I don't know yet if Im accespted yet, but tomarrow I take in my application and have and interveiw. I got some more info. Today as well. So in my last post I tink I said I get $20 bucks a every other week totaling in $40 a month. Well it's not $20... It's $30... Totaling in $60 a month! And when I don't have to buy anything but soap, shampoo and condishaner, londry stuff... That's a lot of money! But even better it increeses! They have this tittle. You start out as alomanem ( I do not know how to spell it haha )And you go all the way up to gold. So as an alomanem tittle I ge to have 8 off campus for for every two months, a 10:00 pm curfeue, $30 bi-weekly,and I think that's it... Well all I can remember. But as I show them I'm doing good and dizerve it I'll go up and ge more stufflike more passes and more money and the curfue gets pushed back. But the reality is... I'm going to be passed out by 10 so I don't need it haha.

So tomarrow I turn in the application and do my interveiw. And I'll post more tomarrow!



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