Saturday, February 27, 2010

Glad To Be Back

well somehow my momma fixed my computer! but im still going to have my step father nuk it and put windows 7 on it. im fixing dinner for tonight and let me tell you that it smells amazing! its called beef burgandy and it has a little more then an hour left to go. i got my wire tightened and got pink and black insted of yellow ang green because i realized that the yellow would look like i have corn stuck in my teath... so yeah dont want that



Friday, February 26, 2010


Hey i dont know it this is laptop is broken. I broke it. I was stupid and downloded a scan thing and it broke went kaput! Well so im blogging from my phone.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fun And Pain And Dred

So yesterday was not good out first but after my five hour nap i took it was great!! really. I think All of my meds are kicked in. my two anti-depressints are makin me happy, my anti-reflex is sapressing my acidness, my biotin (a vitamin for hair, skin, and nales also a diatary suplament) is making me eat less, and my hypothyroid meds are making me active again!

When i woke up Nikki my family dog wanted to go for a walk, but because my brother is a lazy ass he didn't pick up one of the two kids my grandma babysits so my grandma didn't want to walk cuz she had to walk three time already. she didnt want to walk Nikki, So i did for her. I even picked up the poop. which i am glade i broght a bag to put it in and i baggie to pick it up with because the lady was outside...but im proude of myself for doing it.

My dog Nikki boy i tell you! she is the most spoiled dog ever! she has two old guys givin her biskets about 3/4 of the walk! it was funny. we got their and one guy live across the street and he was like"let my go get you a bisket be right back" and a guy that lived across the street for the guy that lived across the street was like " im going to get you a bisket before he gets you one!" and runs in his house! she got her two biskets and layed down for i little chill and got back up and started for the walk again! she is so cute!

well wiile i was on the walk kaitlyn texted me asking if i wanted to go to the mall. i said yeah come git me and well go! so i just get in from walking Nikki and about 5 or less min. she was at my house so i left with $40 but i needed to give back my grandma $10. so we get to the mall and i realize that i could get my ears pirsed!

i have had 6 pircings done befor both my lobes cuz i was bold for a year after i was born people thoght i was a boy even thogh i was dected out in full pink. the i got my first cartilage done when i was thirteen but it closed so a year later i got it done again. then about a year ago i got another one below my first cartilage, and about a good few months ago i got my first cartilage on my right side but it got infrcted and i had to take it out. so todayi got my second and my third cartilages re-pirsed yay!

BUT the stupid lady put in the wrong earings! oned that made me spind the $10 i wasen sapose to! and after we ate we didnt have anything left! but i came home and told my grandma that i would work it off by walking Nikkie for a month. she said ok so yayness! but me and kaitlyn had a really fun day! and yeah im happy

gah tomarrow i get my wire tightened and im dreding it! but i want straght teath so i gatta deal...



Monday, February 22, 2010


ok so i get my wire tightened in two days... i think im going to go yellow and green! woot woot


hey so... i get my braces tightened for the first time... yeah its been like three months... woops ...i didn't mean to get set back. i really didnt. it was just my mom got laid off work and we didn't have money to pay off my braces, and they wont see me when we dont pay...

i just talked to my momma and she said that she payed off $1,000 of it and that is 3 or 4 months ahead so we are over cought up and i guess tomarrow is when i get it done... colors colors....what colors should i do?! gah.



Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Avril Lavigne 'Alice' Official Music Video Premiere!

Watch Video For Avril Lavigne's 'Alice' here This Song Was Written For Tim Burton's New "Alice In Wonderland". I Love The Gothic Feel It Takes On And It Also Features Some Scenes From The Movie and A "Mad Hatter" Twist In The Music Video!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Baby Momma Drama

lol ok so you all know about my friend kaitlyn having alice well my ex-girlfriend is having a baby girl not to long after Alice is born. A baby girl names Luna Rose Romaro and she is dew on June 15th and Alice is April 25th. I dont feel as happy for Luna but then again Molly is my ex and me and Kaitlyn are like colser then sisters we are like twins and then Im also Alices God Mother... so yeah baby Luna is not going to be spoiled by me lol



Hello All

Hello im just not feeling well. I feel like barffing and blah. So Like I Might Have Said Before... My best friend Kaitlyn is having a baby and she was going to name is Sonia. Well she changed it to Alcie, and i don't know if anybody reads this or cairs but i really think thats a better name.

She was watching T.V. one day and "Tim burtin's Alice in Wonderland" and she says to the baby daddy: "What do you think about Alice?" and he said "i like it" so yes now its Alice. and im exsited.

im going to be a god mother! yes1 yes i know im soo happy!!



Thursday, February 4, 2010

12 Resons

1. i am not taking my meds
2. i felt alone
3. i couldnt breath
4. i wasnt going to tell
5. i couldnt stop
6. crying
7. and my actions
8. he hates me
9. something inside me is wrong
10. im bad
11. im numb
12. i got the razor

12 cuts. 12 resons.

yesterday was just a bad day. the day ended up from a good day with my cuz - to 12 cuts, 6 hours of crying, and 4 time of thinking/wanting of killing myself.

so yes i did relaps ending in 12 cuts on my leg.

