Sunday, May 16, 2010

Self tatoo and pissed the fuck off

So last night or early this morning rather I tattoo that doubble helix thing from Heros on my iner left wrist. I took a needle and carved the first couple layers off my skin and went in it with my fav pen. Well it's not washing off with water and soap so it's most Likly permanat. I showed my brother and he got me all freaken ass scaird. He was all like moms gonna get Hellas mad at you and yell. And so when momma came home I was like so.... And she was like yeah? And I was like so last night I tattooed myself... In a little voice and she was like where and I showed her and she was like ok hahahahahahaha she doesn't like it but she's cool with it

I'm fucken pissed off haha but this make me feel petter : )

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I'm sorryz!

Ok I have no clue if anybody but my sissy reads this but I would like to think people do and I would like to think people miss me. It's way Beond the truth but hey I want to think it's real. I haven't blogged in so long! Lol so I'm not in job corps yet maybe I won't ever go back to school... I don't know. I really want to but I just need to do somehing haha