I just wanna, just wannnnnnnnaaaaaaa! ok thats out of my system. OMG The Luck of the Irish is on right know on the disney channal! I love it when the old disney movies come back on from my disney time! good mimorys...good times...idk i just wantedto do a little blog...im a blogger now lol i need it like a drug! yeah...ok...
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wrost Day Ever!
The fair sucked ass! Ok So first we went to the Locford inn. for one of my dads church breakfast things, and Jo locked the keys in the car...they too 20 min. to call fucking AAA who was fucking down the street! So we get to the fair and they only let the car i was in go to the trailer parking lot where we were meeting a friend ( we were in three cars total), So they parked the the parking lot next to the trailer parking. We told our friend and went into parking lot 12 where the others parked, got on the buss to the fair. i have had only one water so far (its now about 80 something outside). my dad gives me money to buy a hat (that i love now). my dad spits to go hangout with his friends at the beer garden ( wow... ok my dads not a drunk just to tell you now! ) and leaves me and my brother with $60 each to ride rides. me and my brother go to the ticket booth and buy unlimited ride passes for $35 each and start on the Farris will to scope out rides. we get off and go to this sick ass ride. get on the ride. once we were fastened in we couldnt breath (the ride goes in circles wile the seats go in circles upside down, to the side, very fast). get off dizzy and breathless (that had been my first up-side-down ride in my life...yes im a lame 18 year old) to the next ride. a roller coaster spiny car thing. we think ok lets catch our breath on that. Fuck man! i hit my head! ok so by now its about 90 degrees and i still had only had that one bottle of water! i don't do good in the heat...at all! so i feel sick from dehydration, i still cant breath from the first ride, and now my head hurts...we (my and my brother) go get me some water... i drank it too fast and upset my stomach more! So then we take the lamest ride we could fine to see how lame it really is... it was so lame i almost cried! ok so i can breath now... we go on that one ride the spins you really fast and you stick to the walls! man i love that ride! so its about like 100 now only the 2 waters in me... i get sick (like barfing) and we set off to find my dad...my left rib cadges starts feeling like a mad man is stabbing me with a butchers knife! i lay down in the shade using my new hat as a pillow (this hat comes in handy a lot!) i sent my brother off to hunt down dad...20 min.......30 min...........60 min.......i set off looking for my dad thinking my brother is with him and forgot about me :( yes my brother would do that! hot asphalt and not enough padding...i know this feeling a lot...my feet are burning....literally burning! i fallow music cuz that someplace dad said he might be...no dad...i go off looking for tents...that where beer is at...no dad...so its like another 30 min...im almost crying...i have a fear of being alone. like its really bad and that what im at. im alone in a big ass parking lot full of shows shops food and drinks and rides not to mention horse races and a petting farm...ok so i do what i was toughed. look for a person that works their and ask for help. they take me to lost kids...yes its really called lost kids and i was their! they set off looking for my dad and for my brother. a hour goes by. 2 hours goes by, sun is burning my back so i use my trusty hat to shade my back! 3 hours goes by. its 3:00 PM and they come back. no dad. no brother... so because of my fear of being alone is so bad i stay where im at...and cuz that's what my momma told me to do when i was a little girl. So its almost 6:00PM and that's when my dad told me and my brother to meet him where we first split. im just about to burst out crying (i was tearing up off on on for 30 min.) when i see my dad and Jo. no brother... dad asks where he is and i told him the whole story... hes not worried... i am...(it was the whole fear of aloneness getting to me...) we go back to lost kids and still not brother. its about 6:30ish...i cant walk anymore because of the pain and burning in my feet...its so bad i let my dad have me take his wheel chair and drive that and have him walk! (my dad just had two back surgeries like 2 weeks ago...) that's how bad it was...and im not that kind of person at all!! so we get back to where we were supposed to meet up...it about 7:00PM no brother...i say behind wile my dad and Jo go back to the beer garden...7:30...8:00...they come back...no brother...EVERYBODY (11 people total + maybe the lost kids still idk) is looking for Scott. we think that he is off riding rides with the unlimited ride pass he and i got at the beginning of the day... 8:30... my momma and step dad are on their way out. 9:00.. by this time i had a cop get me 2 bottles of water...one of my dads friend that was checking in with me get me a corn dog(i haven't eaten seance about 9:00AM!!!) and this random guy with big ass pickles buy me a pickle...it was all with my money except the corn dog he wouldn't take my money...) 9:30PM i see my momma, my sissy, and my step dad walking my way...i havent seen my sister in like a month so she runs over to my and gives my a big hug...my momma comes over and asked what happened and what was going on so far...i told her...she takes off to fine my brother after giving me a big ass hug...my sister stays with me. i ask her if she wants a bite of my big ass pickle (ok this pickle id about 2" round and like 6" long...i know what you are thinking and stop thinking that!) she doesn't like pickles i find out...at 10:00PM we find my brother at the trailer with my dads friends daughter eating corn dogs...FUCKING 10 HOURS LOOKING FOR THIS KID (hes 16) AND HES EATING CORN DOGS WITH GIRLS! he comes back and for the first time in my 18 years and is 16 year we saw our father cry...it was like somebody took my hart and squeezed it so tight! we call off the search party. my momma yelled and my brother and hugs him then start whacking his face with papers...then hugs him again. we leave at 10:30PM and get home at 11:30ish...i fix me some good ass food (dino nuggets) and have a smoke ten crash...
Worst. Day. Ever!
LayLatLater...*mumbles under breath words about my brother*
Worst. Day. Ever!
LayLatLater...*mumbles under breath words about my brother*
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I dont really have anything to talk about. im waiting for my pants to dry so i can get dressed... Then at like 7:30 - 8:00 ish we are going to sacromento to the state fair!!! and im happyness!
So i was watching tattoo highway and this guy wanted to get a cropcercle tat. and it had stuff from the myens or aztects or somebody about the 2012 shit and i was like well if that is true we only have 3 years to live...So another thing is if it was true when wil we die exactly!! i dont believe the 2012 crap...I think they just got tired of all the stuff...or died befor it got done...my brother thinks they got carpletunnle...ether way we both think they just said fuck it and stoped! ha
so yeah! im half ready i just need pants on and then yeah woot woot happyness!
So i was watching tattoo highway and this guy wanted to get a cropcercle tat. and it had stuff from the myens or aztects or somebody about the 2012 shit and i was like well if that is true we only have 3 years to live...So another thing is if it was true when wil we die exactly!! i dont believe the 2012 crap...I think they just got tired of all the stuff...or died befor it got done...my brother thinks they got carpletunnle...ether way we both think they just said fuck it and stoped! ha
so yeah! im half ready i just need pants on and then yeah woot woot happyness!
Friday, August 28, 2009
I hate doing dishes. Like I'd rather not eat then do dishes. So i had like a shit lode of dishes that i hadent dont for like a week an a half to two week that went undone... my mother came and washed and rinsed and i dryed and put away. i got my brother to cook dinner for tonight and momma told him to do the dishes tonight cuz i helped do dishes today. fuck yeah!
So my momma is going to make a Dr. App. and a Dintist App. today and then pay the phone bill...So ill get to text and stuff. The Dr. App. is for the hair loss and The Dintist Is for braces that im going to get...
So my momma is going to make a Dr. App. and a Dintist App. today and then pay the phone bill...So ill get to text and stuff. The Dr. App. is for the hair loss and The Dintist Is for braces that im going to get...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
cali. start fair!
Ok so its cali. state fair fair time! IM FREGGEN GOING 2 WEEKENDS IN A FREGGEN ROW! yayness
L.A. INK & Hair
Kat Von D is so cool. When she was on Miami Ink I hated her. I think that was more cuz ymi hated her, but the more I watch L.A. Ink the more i like her.
My hair is still falling out. I'm using baby shampoo fot crying out loude! Just so it wouldn't fall out! I just "pulled" out like 7 hand fulls of hair. I pput pulled in "" cuz I'm not pulling at all I'm doing is puting my hands throgh my hair and it comes out with hand fulls of hair!
My hair is still falling out. I'm using baby shampoo fot crying out loude! Just so it wouldn't fall out! I just "pulled" out like 7 hand fulls of hair. I pput pulled in "" cuz I'm not pulling at all I'm doing is puting my hands throgh my hair and it comes out with hand fulls of hair!
Hair Extensions!
I need effing hair extensions! I hate my hair that I have now! its SO short and SO like...like...Its like a mulit! and i cant stand it! i had Long hair just below my brests and now it above my freggen shoulders! I have 2 opptions... Hair ex. OR Shave my head and get a Pro wig! My mom REALLY wants me to not shave my head but she wont pay for the H.E.... so ger!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Msg me @
uhthegif yuhthegou cuhthegan ruhthegead thuhthegis uhthege-muhthegail muhthege uhthegat Lexa.Turos@gmail.com!
uthegim truhthegying tuhthego luhthegean gibberish!
uthegim truhthegying tuhthego luhthegean gibberish!
I Love Criss Angel! Im Watching Him On A&E Right Now! I REALLY Wanna Go To LasVages To Stalk Him and See His Cerk Du Celay(SP?) Show Believe!
So my dad is not lost any more! he came back i guess he had a dinner thing... so i have fish... AND MY BROTHERS FISH AT THEM ALL!!!!! So my mouth hurts from eating Sabritonrs chile & Lime... sadness about my fish :( OMG YAYNESS MY BFF LILLY IS ON!!
P.S. yayness more emily is on!!
P.S. yayness more emily is on!!
Cook-Ies And Milk!
So I'm sitten here blogging watching Ghost Hunters, and eating Cookies and milk. I lost my father! i have know clue where the fuck he is! It's freggen 8:05 PM! I Dont know where he could be...ill post if i find him!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Pizza With Old Friends
So my dad has 2 friends he is still talking to from high school; Lee and Loren. Loren is down for the week for the state fair. We went to the pizza plus and it was grate! i ate WAY too much... There was a little baby, and he had SO much fun with me! I love babys SO much they make me smile, AND little boy babys J'ADORE me! haha im not polling a MJ (R.I.P.!) but they just flur and flur with me. I want a baby bot SO bad but im not ready at all the have a kid. Lees' wife scolded me about my cutting tonight as well. She toldme i was hurting everybody by hurting myself...She doesnt understand...telling me like that. Breaking down like that. FUCKING TELLING ME THAT IM hurting my dad! It just wants me to do it a lot more! i cant handle it!
speaking in gibberish
huhthegelluhthego! muhthegy nuhthegame uhthegis luhthegexuhthega tuhtheguruhthegos. uhthegor luhthegayluhthegayluhthegexuhthega! uhthegi luhthegernuhtheged huhthegow tuhthego spuhthegeak guhtheibbuhthhegeruhtheish!
"hello my name is lexa turos. or laylaylexa! i learned how to speak gibberish!
"hello my name is lexa turos. or laylaylexa! i learned how to speak gibberish!

I am craving taco truck burritos! I only have 2 or 3 taco trucks i love, and one like down the road from my house is my #1 favorit. They make like humongus burrotos. The chicken sapream burritos with extra chease and rice! mmm; so yummy! Oh! and dont forget the hot sause! So if you dont know what a taco truck is... they look like this...

only where i live they don't have tables.
Monday, August 24, 2009
OK so i have this obsession with MeMeMolly. I just was to be like her ... http://www.youtube.com/user/mememolly#play/uploads/58/91ExPfrr26Y ... she just so comfortable with her self.
About The LaylayLexa
Hey I'm LeylayLexa! I'm 18 years old, and living full time with my dad. For the past year i have been movie back and forth between my momma and my dad.
My dad just went through 2 major back surgeries. They put rods and bolts in this neck and upper back, but the Dr. couldn't see where to bolts in. After the surgery my dad was in a scale to 1-10 about a 16 amount of pain. i stood with him doing anything to stop his pain, or at least minimize it down to at least 10. so 3 days later he went back into surgery to remove the right sided rod and bolts because they were pinching the nerves that led to his right arm. so he is doing better now and I'm taking care of him now. Although both he and I think that it caused permanent damage to his arm.
My mom she loves me. but when you live in a 3 room, 2 bath duplex with 5-6 people on the weekdays, and 7-8 people on the weekend and 4 dogs... You can go crazy easy! My mom never pays the bills on time. she works in a hospital, and loves me and my brother and will starve to get us something that we want.
Myself I suffer from severe depression and a hypothyroid. I'm struggling with self-mutilation a.k.a. self-injuring, I cut my self. i kept it a secrit from my family for 5 years and then after something horrible happened to me. Its a bit Private to talk about. I have tried to kill myself a few times. when I'm on my medicine i feel so good, so happy, and off then I'm suicidal...but yet i have stopped taking them even though I know how I'm going to feel like total complete shit. I am TOTALY addicted to RPing (Role Playing) and have 2 BEST friends in the World Emily and Lilly.
My dad just went through 2 major back surgeries. They put rods and bolts in this neck and upper back, but the Dr. couldn't see where to bolts in. After the surgery my dad was in a scale to 1-10 about a 16 amount of pain. i stood with him doing anything to stop his pain, or at least minimize it down to at least 10. so 3 days later he went back into surgery to remove the right sided rod and bolts because they were pinching the nerves that led to his right arm. so he is doing better now and I'm taking care of him now. Although both he and I think that it caused permanent damage to his arm.
My mom she loves me. but when you live in a 3 room, 2 bath duplex with 5-6 people on the weekdays, and 7-8 people on the weekend and 4 dogs... You can go crazy easy! My mom never pays the bills on time. she works in a hospital, and loves me and my brother and will starve to get us something that we want.
Myself I suffer from severe depression and a hypothyroid. I'm struggling with self-mutilation a.k.a. self-injuring, I cut my self. i kept it a secrit from my family for 5 years and then after something horrible happened to me. Its a bit Private to talk about. I have tried to kill myself a few times. when I'm on my medicine i feel so good, so happy, and off then I'm suicidal...but yet i have stopped taking them even though I know how I'm going to feel like total complete shit. I am TOTALY addicted to RPing (Role Playing) and have 2 BEST friends in the World Emily and Lilly.
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