Will my mouth hurt every month like this? i REALLY hope not. this is killing me. i can see slight changes in my teeth. i dont know what im going to eat for dinner. i had a tuna sandwich, but that was even hard to eat. i have some hot chips i REALLY wanna eat but i would hurt really fuckin bad...ill get up a pic with my braces in a little wile...
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
guess who got her wire on?! yes i got my wire on after almost four months or this shit! so happy! i dont hurt yet just some pressure. i has some chips and did my first cleaning lol. took a wile, but i goter done! i have dark purple on top and a lighter purple on the bottom. ill post a pic when i remember to grab my camera and charger lol i got up three times to get the fuckin thing...ok i got it and its charging so ill post a pic after it charges enuff to turn it on :)
lexa wiff her braces
lexa wiff her braces
Friday, December 25, 2009
Ok so I got a DSi and 4 new games, tinkerbell, Harry potter half blood prince, and a fish game ... One thing I didn't know about the DSi is that you could go one the internet. It's sweetness! And I got a $100 from my dad I also got a 2000 DSi points and with my $100 I got 4000 more. My sister and brother got Ipod touch. That's what i'm blogging on right now...my brothers Ipod touch.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
braces :!
ok so today i had an app. to get my braces on...agter two+ months of just having my brackets on. i new i wasnt going to get the wire on... cuz the last app. the couldn't get the band awound mt right two molers, so they were sapose to put spacers around the two molers. they didn't! the lady said i had them in. no i just had one out of four in, so today i got the four spacers in. one eack around my top and bottom molers. its starting to hurt from all the pressure, so that suck. BUT next monday im FOR SURE getting the wire on!
hmm what els to blog about...
i dont know...
last night i must have been chuwing on my cheak cause i have a sore now. im playing feista again find me CandyCain
hmm what els to blog about...
i dont know...
last night i must have been chuwing on my cheak cause i have a sore now. im playing feista again find me CandyCain
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Egg Burrito
- Four Eggs wiped up
- add one diced tomato
- add 10 bruno's wax peppers sliced
- add two diced bologna
mix it up in a bole.
add a spoon full of butter to a deep small pan set on high, let the butter melt.
add the egg mix in the pan and scramble till cooked.
you can add shredded cheese or not.
i add cheese.
after you cook the eggs move the mix to a clean bole.
place some tortillas in the now empty pan and let them heat up and take them off.
rap the eggs up and gobble them up!
- add one diced tomato
- add 10 bruno's wax peppers sliced
- add two diced bologna
mix it up in a bole.
add a spoon full of butter to a deep small pan set on high, let the butter melt.
add the egg mix in the pan and scramble till cooked.
you can add shredded cheese or not.
i add cheese.
after you cook the eggs move the mix to a clean bole.
place some tortillas in the now empty pan and let them heat up and take them off.
rap the eggs up and gobble them up!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
ok so i recorded the video a few days ago, i just have to uplode and edit...
Michelle Dugger had a 1 lb 6 oz baby girl names josie. she was a little more then three months early, but in good helth. im so happy about this news.
our house is deck the halls out. the tree is up (we have a fake tree thats older then me) and has the lights, ordiments, and angel on it. the lights are up on the foof tops out side, and we set out the santas village, towns village, and down towns village.
i was crying earlyer... dont wanna talk about it...
Michelle Dugger had a 1 lb 6 oz baby girl names josie. she was a little more then three months early, but in good helth. im so happy about this news.
our house is deck the halls out. the tree is up (we have a fake tree thats older then me) and has the lights, ordiments, and angel on it. the lights are up on the foof tops out side, and we set out the santas village, towns village, and down towns village.
i was crying earlyer... dont wanna talk about it...
Friday, December 11, 2009
i posted up my scedual yesterday. but i only got up to taking a shower... and i was an hour head of scedual, but it was 9:30ish and my mom was going to take a nap and i was like i can just clip my bangs up when i leave then just shoot and edi my video after. i tossed and turned for two hours. i just fell asleep and my momma woke me up. i was like lets just not go. so we didn't go. i didnt shoot, and had nothing to edit. so after this im doing hair and make-up and shooting and then editing.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
busy schedule today
ok so seance i have a nutritionist appointment at 2:00 PM today im just going to keep my self busy! here is what i plane to do today...
5:30- work on the new book; "Changes".
7:00- work on "The One"
8:30- Fix "The Asylum"
10:00- take a shower
- blow dry my hair
- straighten my hair
- put in my hair extensions
- do my make-up
11:45- do a youtube video
12:30- edit the video
1:30- go to appointment
5:30- work on the new book; "Changes".
7:00- work on "The One"
8:30- Fix "The Asylum"
10:00- take a shower
- blow dry my hair
- straighten my hair
- put in my hair extensions
- do my make-up
11:45- do a youtube video
12:30- edit the video
1:30- go to appointment
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Au La Fresno!
ok so five days ago we went to Fresno,Ca to my Aunt Willies house in the good ol' country were their is nothin' but vineyards and ortcerds, horses and dert. I didn't want to go because it was Harry Potter Week-End! and it is my own personal tradition to watch EVERY Harry Potter Week-end, but i had to go because my sister was going, but i had a fun time and watched the ending of sorcerer stone and the beginning of chamber of secrets, and then we went home the next day and i watched the rest of chamber of secrets, and then the beginning of prisoner of azkaban, and the ending of azkaban, and recorded goblet of fire, and watched the ending of goblet of fire. i also recorded azkaban.
so i slept along in the now nicknamed "the rat room" or "the rat mansion" my sister calls it. My momma says that no rats are up their anymore...but their are lodes of rat "pellets" up in that room, but i slept in that room Friday night: then the next day my sister and her dad cam up and we went to "the Potato market" to get junk food!
i got
- i don't know what they are called but they come in a purple bag and are hot Frito twists wit lime...i got two bags of those
-two moon pies
- a blue alien head glow pop
my sister got
- a box of some odd Mexican cookie thing with marsh mellows with coconut on top
- a green alien head glow pop
my momma and jim got
- beer
when i was dark my and my sister got in the car and activated the glow in our glow pops and played with them
we got really out of hand! we started to sing on the top of our lungs " I GOT A PENIS YES I DO, I GOT A PENIS HOW 'BOUT YOU!" over and over and over!
and then...it was time to go to sleep...
my sister and i were to sleep in the "rat Room" in a TWIN sized bed...let it be known i like to take up the whole bed and normally sleep in a FULL. well...we tried...but i couldn't sleep...she couldn't sleep...so i was like I'm going to go down stairs and sleep on the couch and after five minutes of asking each other if you wanna sleep down their od if you wanna sleep down their...
i went down their and was content it was cooler. felt way better! haha. but i here her come down "i cant sleep in their i heard a rat" lol i was like cool ill sleep up their! not because i thought their was a rat, but because the bed was bigger then the couch and i ad it all to myself now. but she came back up and was " i can sleep" i was like "yeah i cant ether" and so we watched south park and my awesomeness favorite VIVA LA BAM! i went out to have a smoke and came back with the t.v. off i was like well shit...whatever ill go to sleep now
its now like 3:00 3:30 ish and i just toss and turn and toss some more and turn to top and i fall asleep for maybe and our tops...my sister comes back in and i scoot over and fall asleep right away again lol but i guess i was snoring too loud and she left and my Aunt Willie let her sleep in her bed.
but yeah i had a fun time and got to watch some harry potter
so i slept along in the now nicknamed "the rat room" or "the rat mansion" my sister calls it. My momma says that no rats are up their anymore...but their are lodes of rat "pellets" up in that room, but i slept in that room Friday night: then the next day my sister and her dad cam up and we went to "the Potato market" to get junk food!
i got
- i don't know what they are called but they come in a purple bag and are hot Frito twists wit lime...i got two bags of those
-two moon pies
- a blue alien head glow pop
my sister got
- a box of some odd Mexican cookie thing with marsh mellows with coconut on top
- a green alien head glow pop
my momma and jim got
- beer
when i was dark my and my sister got in the car and activated the glow in our glow pops and played with them
we got really out of hand! we started to sing on the top of our lungs " I GOT A PENIS YES I DO, I GOT A PENIS HOW 'BOUT YOU!" over and over and over!
and then...it was time to go to sleep...
my sister and i were to sleep in the "rat Room" in a TWIN sized bed...let it be known i like to take up the whole bed and normally sleep in a FULL. well...we tried...but i couldn't sleep...she couldn't sleep...so i was like I'm going to go down stairs and sleep on the couch and after five minutes of asking each other if you wanna sleep down their od if you wanna sleep down their...
i went down their and was content it was cooler. felt way better! haha. but i here her come down "i cant sleep in their i heard a rat" lol i was like cool ill sleep up their! not because i thought their was a rat, but because the bed was bigger then the couch and i ad it all to myself now. but she came back up and was " i can sleep" i was like "yeah i cant ether" and so we watched south park and my awesomeness favorite VIVA LA BAM! i went out to have a smoke and came back with the t.v. off i was like well shit...whatever ill go to sleep now
its now like 3:00 3:30 ish and i just toss and turn and toss some more and turn to top and i fall asleep for maybe and our tops...my sister comes back in and i scoot over and fall asleep right away again lol but i guess i was snoring too loud and she left and my Aunt Willie let her sleep in her bed.
but yeah i had a fun time and got to watch some harry potter
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
DL for my DL?
ok DL for My DL is the tittle because as i said in my last post my momma started teaching me how to drive 3 days ago. she wouldnt let me drive today because lots of people were out do to vetrens day. so i studyed my drivers hand book (after my momma forsed me to) and took some practis tests on the DMV web site, and got a 8 out of 30 idk what persentage that is but i think you can only miss 7 and their are way more questions. but anyway back to what i was getting at. DL for my DL...in the hand book the go avrevation crazt! lol so Driver Lessions for my Drivers licence...DL for my DL
i got alot better
the end haha
i got alot better
the end haha
Monday, November 9, 2009
Driving Lessons
So my momma took me driving today...I WAS HORRIBAL!!! no lie, but i got better and we are going to do it again tomarrow!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Ima School Girl Now
I dont know if i stated in one of my posts that i was a H.S. drop out. That i hadnt finnished my Senor year. Well guess what! Your LayLayLexa is back in school getting herself a H.S. deploma! Yayness for me! My uncles funaral was good. Sad to no end... but good.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Phone Calls = Death
We got a phone call from my grat Aunt Willie earlyer this week saying that my great Uncle Edra (Ed) was going down hill fast, and we should come see him. We went up yesterday morning. He was just skin and bones; he wouldnt eat or drink anything. We got thier and... if you knew him...you would not recanize him. He was just scelatal.
We (my cousen and I) went hourse ridin' and had a blast! we got home and chilled. At around 2 am him had pasted.
we all kissed him our good-byes before they took his body.
We (my cousen and I) went hourse ridin' and had a blast! we got home and chilled. At around 2 am him had pasted.
we all kissed him our good-byes before they took his body.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Why Am I Jealous
Ok So im watching Jon & Kate + 8 and i think its Maddy? has braces. it sux! she got them right away! and look at me its almost a month and im still waiting for my wire... so im jealous of a what 8...9 year old? its stupid. i had tacos for dinner today and i didnt think brfore hand. i put chease on my tacos and rice. and it meltid and got stuck everywhere haha.
ok so i said i was going to do light and dark purple for my colors and my mom "made" me change it for halloween to black and orange...but i still want black and pink...i just dont know what i want....:(
ok so im one of thos people tat smuch bugs and leave them for other people to find. its kinda like a sick game i play. i smush them and see how long it take for somebody to ask who smushed the bug. but i have been doing it so long they all know its me.
ok so i said i was going to do light and dark purple for my colors and my mom "made" me change it for halloween to black and orange...but i still want black and pink...i just dont know what i want....:(
ok so im one of thos people tat smuch bugs and leave them for other people to find. its kinda like a sick game i play. i smush them and see how long it take for somebody to ask who smushed the bug. but i have been doing it so long they all know its me.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
OMG No They Didn't!
So i stayed up almost 24 houres FOR NOTHING!!! I went to the ortho to get my wire on as i said in my last post. I wated for a good wile to get called in and when i did they were fixing to put my wire on first! I was happy and exsited. she put the band on my left side with minamal problems BUT the stupid person i saw last time didnt put spacers on my right side to make room for the bands! so we tryed till my tooth couldnt bite down to get it on my tooth...she tryed puting seps (seperaters/spacers) on wile i wait the 10 mins it takes for the sement to dry for the brakets and left side bands. the doctor tryed to put them in again...still nothing... SO because of the stupid people i have to wait another week to still maybe not get my wire on...because...and i know i should have gone back but at this point i was super tire and just wanted to eat and crash...they fucked up and AGAIN didnt put spacers in...well i have on on, but i dont thing that would help any.
i have almost have had the beaces on for a month and they arnt fixing my teath because i cant get the wire on. it really fucking sucks!
i have almost have had the beaces on for a month and they arnt fixing my teath because i cant get the wire on. it really fucking sucks!
ok so i went almost 24 hurs with out sleep FOR NOTHING!!! so w went to thhe ortho. wated forever, and i was this clost to geting my wire and colors on! but they didnt put spacers on my right side so i couldnt get the band
Friday, October 23, 2009
Well im going to have a eventfull two weeks!
tomarrow i ave to deprive myself of sleep because every month i go into my vampire mode and sleep all day and stay up all night, but i have my ortho. app. tomarrow at 12:30 pm. to get my last four brackets and my wire on, but two of my spacers are gone; because one came out on its own and the other i took out because it was cutting into my gum...and i could not get it back in, So i have to get them put back in. OH! and one of my brackets fell off when i was sleeping, but yayness i didn't swallow it!
Tomarrow is going to be a painful day...and a long one in the ortho offic.
Also i have a fall festaval to go to at my dads church. It is really fun for a church event. Lots of rafils and cool stuff. Im going to be a fairy for halloween! i got my wings and lots of glittery make-up! going to be fun.
then on halloween we are going over to my cousens house to do a lot!
we are going to...
1. make home made german cheken nuddle soup!
my grandpa from my mothers side id full german from a german coloney in mexico we have named "ger-mex". when he and my grandma met he tought her how to make the soup. my momma and her sister and brothers were raised on it and in turn me my brother and cousens from my mommas side were raised on it as well. So we are going to cook it halloween.
2. play the game of life.
we had an older vertion of the game, but one night we were playing and drinking... and i had four glasses of vodka and two of wine, and i puked all over it... so we got a new one and she wants to play! so we are NOT going to drink and have fun!
3. bake a cake?
she wants to bake a cake and so ok!
4. trick or treat???
i dont know why...im 18, my brother is 16, she is 22, and her husband is 25? so i dont know why...
So thats what im going to be doing...
tomarrow i ave to deprive myself of sleep because every month i go into my vampire mode and sleep all day and stay up all night, but i have my ortho. app. tomarrow at 12:30 pm. to get my last four brackets and my wire on, but two of my spacers are gone; because one came out on its own and the other i took out because it was cutting into my gum...and i could not get it back in, So i have to get them put back in. OH! and one of my brackets fell off when i was sleeping, but yayness i didn't swallow it!
Tomarrow is going to be a painful day...and a long one in the ortho offic.
Also i have a fall festaval to go to at my dads church. It is really fun for a church event. Lots of rafils and cool stuff. Im going to be a fairy for halloween! i got my wings and lots of glittery make-up! going to be fun.
then on halloween we are going over to my cousens house to do a lot!
we are going to...
1. make home made german cheken nuddle soup!
my grandpa from my mothers side id full german from a german coloney in mexico we have named "ger-mex". when he and my grandma met he tought her how to make the soup. my momma and her sister and brothers were raised on it and in turn me my brother and cousens from my mommas side were raised on it as well. So we are going to cook it halloween.
2. play the game of life.
we had an older vertion of the game, but one night we were playing and drinking... and i had four glasses of vodka and two of wine, and i puked all over it... so we got a new one and she wants to play! so we are NOT going to drink and have fun!
3. bake a cake?
she wants to bake a cake and so ok!
4. trick or treat???
i dont know why...im 18, my brother is 16, she is 22, and her husband is 25? so i dont know why...
So thats what im going to be doing...
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Updates And Cuz Talk
so my cuz had her abortion yesterday. she is doing grate! she texting me more. kinda of like it. i mean like we have ALWAYS been close. we ALWAYS talk but the past couple months we havent talked. and i havent really thoght about how much i have really missed it. BUUUUTTTT we are all going back over to her house to
1. make my familys home made german chickan nuddle soup.
my grandpa from my mommas side is full german from a german collany in mexico. my family has named it "ger-mex" he taght my grandma to make home made chikan nuddle soup. my mom gruw up on it along with her two brothers and sister. so all my cuzens from my moms side has grown up with it as well including me and my brother.
2. play the game of life.
the last time me and my cuz played the game of life we were drinking. i was drinking vadka and wine...like i would pour me a glass of vodka and drink half straght and put wine to fill it up again i did that four times, and that equils four glasses of vodka and two glasses of wine. i ended up puking all over the game of life and yeah. so i think it was thursday we boght the new game of life and she wants to play.
3. bake a cake.
now when she text this to me i was like what?!? ok then lol. so i guess shes in a bounding mood. i dont mind. well i do if shes going to make me bake the cake...im the baker in thefamily
1. make my familys home made german chickan nuddle soup.
my grandpa from my mommas side is full german from a german collany in mexico. my family has named it "ger-mex" he taght my grandma to make home made chikan nuddle soup. my mom gruw up on it along with her two brothers and sister. so all my cuzens from my moms side has grown up with it as well including me and my brother.
2. play the game of life.
the last time me and my cuz played the game of life we were drinking. i was drinking vadka and wine...like i would pour me a glass of vodka and drink half straght and put wine to fill it up again i did that four times, and that equils four glasses of vodka and two glasses of wine. i ended up puking all over the game of life and yeah. so i think it was thursday we boght the new game of life and she wants to play.
3. bake a cake.
now when she text this to me i was like what?!? ok then lol. so i guess shes in a bounding mood. i dont mind. well i do if shes going to make me bake the cake...im the baker in thefamily
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
So im a nor cal girl...and yesterday we had a MAJOR storem. it had part of the japan heracain so lots on wind. lots of trees down. lots of rain. and no power all day! its over now tho so yayness. tomarrow i get the last 4 brackets and the wire on...so more pain...
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Pain In The Mouth
Hey so i got my brackets for my braces on. they didnt have the bottom 4 so i couldnt get te wire on :( so friday i got the bracets on, and my mouth has one big swollen sore and two cut... ugh... and this friday i get the wire on and even thogh i hhave wanted braces sence like i was 11; i am now hating them haha but i dont mind im just useing up minty fresh wax like crazy. lol. so this mounths colors will be light purple and dark purple.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Epic Fail
i am sorry i got up at 12 because my nutritionist called me to make an appointment and i was like hell no...so i slept till like late haha. i like my sleep. what can i say...whatever...
24 Hours
ok so im going to stay up 24 hours. its already been 14 hours. But i will TRY to stay up for 28-28 hours... just because if i stay up just for 24 hours and crash ill be crashing at about 3:30 pm so if i stay 28-29 it ll be about 8:00-9:00 pm so!
hour 14: i would like to go to sleep but i want to sleep at night like a normal person. even though i am really not normal. sitting here watching the news. i would like the olympics to be in Rio. even though i would love it to be in chicago, but us already had the olympics and S.A. has never had the olympics. so hoping Rio gits it!
hour 15:looking for photos for some new RPs! this is going to hard...and not just talking about the pic search. my eyes are starting to burn. im caving im caving! i want to go into my dream land and sleep! i made it well more then half way...
ok ok im going to get my "petit as a dinosaur" ass up at 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm!!! i swear!!!
all post ASAP!
hour 14: i would like to go to sleep but i want to sleep at night like a normal person. even though i am really not normal. sitting here watching the news. i would like the olympics to be in Rio. even though i would love it to be in chicago, but us already had the olympics and S.A. has never had the olympics. so hoping Rio gits it!
hour 15:looking for photos for some new RPs! this is going to hard...and not just talking about the pic search. my eyes are starting to burn. im caving im caving! i want to go into my dream land and sleep! i made it well more then half way...
ok ok im going to get my "petit as a dinosaur" ass up at 12:00 pm or 1:00 pm!!! i swear!!!
all post ASAP!
Ok So im slowly noticing random things about myself. Like when im starting A RP. I always start the pilot "ok for this RP" and i always have 5 people in my RPs...i dont know why i think the most was 8. but also like when im sitting on the couch in front of the t.v. on my laptop i need at least a pillow on each side of me...like right now i have two pillows on each side...and i and cunfty! and like my laugh that i posted last.
so i have a very eventful day tomorrow! i have a dentist appointment and then after that i have an Otho appointment. hoping to get braces! i have always wanted them. i do not know why...cuz both my cousin and sister have had them and i know they hurt and are a pain! but i want them! i think its the fact that i get to have colors in my mouth...im not sure if that was meant to be dirty or not...and then after that...my mom is taking me out to my brother to my dads house and them straight back here (so like 30 min. to my dads 30 min. back) and then go shopping for food and then back to my dads house (for a total of an hour 30 in a car!) then i hope my mom will do dishes for me...but if not ill have to do dishes, clean my room, fix dinner, do dishes again, then get read for bed...
then i have a week to get my dad well enough for me to feel good about leaving him again cuz i REALLY wanna see my friend pocket i haven't really seen him and hung out with him for a wile. he is in the marines! and we have been friends for about 4 years.
i will also work on ALL of my books (im working on 4 books and you can read them here and here
so i have a very eventful day tomorrow! i have a dentist appointment and then after that i have an Otho appointment. hoping to get braces! i have always wanted them. i do not know why...cuz both my cousin and sister have had them and i know they hurt and are a pain! but i want them! i think its the fact that i get to have colors in my mouth...im not sure if that was meant to be dirty or not...and then after that...my mom is taking me out to my brother to my dads house and them straight back here (so like 30 min. to my dads 30 min. back) and then go shopping for food and then back to my dads house (for a total of an hour 30 in a car!) then i hope my mom will do dishes for me...but if not ill have to do dishes, clean my room, fix dinner, do dishes again, then get read for bed...
then i have a week to get my dad well enough for me to feel good about leaving him again cuz i REALLY wanna see my friend pocket i haven't really seen him and hung out with him for a wile. he is in the marines! and we have been friends for about 4 years.
i will also work on ALL of my books (im working on 4 books and you can read them here and here
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I was watching a commertal and it was funny. What do you do when something is funny? You laugh. My laugh is like AH HA-HA HAHA.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Blahness Fo Sho
Being Depressed sucks! Moms going to get me my pills tomarrow...or well later today cuz it's 12:29 AM...Looking forward in a week when ill be able to atleast pretind that im happy...
Friday, September 25, 2009
So Weird
Recently Mackenzie Phillips has come out with her relationship with her father. I was watching her on Oprah and was thinking "where do I know her from?" So i turn to my mom and ask "hey momma did she play the mom on "So weird?" and she said no...i say her again and was like she HAS to be the mom on "So Weird" so i look up "So Weird" on imdb and what do I know... It was her. so I'm like i wanna watch so weird now. So i got on youtube and start watching so weird.
i don't know about you but i have this thing where i have to look at the comments...IT PISSED ME OFF!! one comment was "insets" why do that... why... its so naive and rude!
but back to the point. I miss the 1991 generation kids Disney channel. the shows were real. now it stupid shit like "as the bell rings" and "JONAS" and other stupid show like that. what happened to "So Weird" and "Lizzie McGuire"...OK Lizzie McGuire was i cool show...even though i really dis like Hilary duff.
and as i grew up i moved from the Disney channel to "the-n" that was a kick ass channel! no commercials just music videos and kick ass teen shows...now no music videos and a degrassi that sux! what happened to the old degrassi?! or "R.F.R.(Radio Free Rosco" or "My So-Called life"??? thoughts show were AWSOME!
i don't know about you but i have this thing where i have to look at the comments...IT PISSED ME OFF!! one comment was "insets" why do that... why... its so naive and rude!
but back to the point. I miss the 1991 generation kids Disney channel. the shows were real. now it stupid shit like "as the bell rings" and "JONAS" and other stupid show like that. what happened to "So Weird" and "Lizzie McGuire"...OK Lizzie McGuire was i cool show...even though i really dis like Hilary duff.
and as i grew up i moved from the Disney channel to "the-n" that was a kick ass channel! no commercials just music videos and kick ass teen shows...now no music videos and a degrassi that sux! what happened to the old degrassi?! or "R.F.R.(Radio Free Rosco" or "My So-Called life"??? thoughts show were AWSOME!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
LayLayLexa Update
So lets start from.......lets say yesterday.......
Sep. 20Th 2009
all i know is i was happy till i found my phone and needed to charge it. so i went over to where the chargers are...not charger... ok ok SO u ask my mom for hers....doesn't fit...ok by now im getting text fever i wanna text...i wanna update my twitter from my phone and blog from my phone...so im like hmmmmm and we my brother has the same charger as me so i go and ask...he said no because i never do anything for him.... her never does anything for me so why would i do something for him and and he never asked...hello i have changed i would do something (within reason) from him he just assumes that i wouldn't do it so never asks... well the mother fucker is a shit and i go off wanting to kill myself because he doesn't trust me and believe me...so i lock myself in a room and put myself in-front of it so no one can get in (they broke the door trying to get in) and so i go to dinner all like (ok this is my thought process)
i don't wanna be here everybody is mad at me for what i just did.....this play is loud......make your fucking kid shut the fuck up or i will......why would you bring kids to a restaurant????!!!!?????.....o god they are playing gospel music.....i don't want to listen to this shit......dont look at your family they hate you.....should have killed yourself.....stupid Ian telling me not to..........your stupid.......shut that fucking kid up.....my head hurts......this food doesn't taste good......well not going to order this again.....why does the freaky waitress keep touching my shoulder.....WOW stop rubbing my back.....hooker.......i feel sick....nobody is eating can we go home now?.......rush to the car
yup and FYI i told Ian to tell me i dint want to kill myself and he was such a sweety he texted me back saying "you don't *hug* their is so much in life to enjoy" after i text him :tell me i don't want to kill myself" i was just in a bad mood.... so i came home and took a hot Hexol bath.
i always feel better after taking a Hexol bath. the sent is so relaxing. it makes hot water feel like magick and i just love it!
Sep. 20 2009
got my phone charged got a crab and a fish...played on myspace...thats about it...
Sep. 20Th 2009
all i know is i was happy till i found my phone and needed to charge it. so i went over to where the chargers are...not charger... ok ok SO u ask my mom for hers....doesn't fit...ok by now im getting text fever i wanna text...i wanna update my twitter from my phone and blog from my phone...so im like hmmmmm and we my brother has the same charger as me so i go and ask...he said no because i never do anything for him.... her never does anything for me so why would i do something for him and and he never asked...hello i have changed i would do something (within reason) from him he just assumes that i wouldn't do it so never asks... well the mother fucker is a shit and i go off wanting to kill myself because he doesn't trust me and believe me...so i lock myself in a room and put myself in-front of it so no one can get in (they broke the door trying to get in) and so i go to dinner all like (ok this is my thought process)
i don't wanna be here everybody is mad at me for what i just did.....this play is loud......make your fucking kid shut the fuck up or i will......why would you bring kids to a restaurant????!!!!?????.....o god they are playing gospel music.....i don't want to listen to this shit......dont look at your family they hate you.....should have killed yourself.....stupid Ian telling me not to..........your stupid.......shut that fucking kid up.....my head hurts......this food doesn't taste good......well not going to order this again.....why does the freaky waitress keep touching my shoulder.....WOW stop rubbing my back.....hooker.......i feel sick....nobody is eating can we go home now?.......rush to the car
yup and FYI i told Ian to tell me i dint want to kill myself and he was such a sweety he texted me back saying "you don't *hug* their is so much in life to enjoy" after i text him :tell me i don't want to kill myself" i was just in a bad mood.... so i came home and took a hot Hexol bath.
i always feel better after taking a Hexol bath. the sent is so relaxing. it makes hot water feel like magick and i just love it!
Sep. 20 2009
got my phone charged got a crab and a fish...played on myspace...thats about it...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
im sooo hunger in like hiccuping bile! nasty... i wanna go back to sleep.....but i dont.....my ass is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so. board. so. hungry. so. idk...
lol so my brother showed me "the guild" music video so i started watching the show....now addictid and playing fiesta its kinda like WOW
lol so my brother showed me "the guild" music video so i started watching the show....now addictid and playing fiesta its kinda like WOW
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
What I Feel When Im Off My Meds
i feel like shit...i feel ugly...i feel worthless...i have no worth in the world...i feel lost and destroyed...i feel like I'm never going to be attractive just the cow i am...i can never do things right i can never belong...i an a ghost in the human world...just looming and pretending to be happy... even when i an happy its not real...just a disque...just a stupid mask on the outside.....nothing can fix me nothing can heal what i destroyed in my life now I'm stuck inside dark cloud that i cant breath in... I'm withering away breath by breath... nobody knows.... i never show.... i cant talk...I'm stuck in tears.........ugly.......wothless...in agony of my own body...this is who i am...the truth...no lies... just me......surrounded in a darkness that is my sole...i destroyed it so many years ago...not seeing what i have done...now i will never be what i once was...a happy attractive young innocent girl...a stupid fool...for putting myself in this hell I'm in...the hell I'm trapped in... my darkness...my pain that I'm tormented with every second i remember I'm still alive...now you know... how i have to hide from everything i am and show a lie...a fate girl...someone you believe is real...i do this for you and cut her out of my body at then end of the day...watch her blood drain from my skin...the darkness slipping back into me...this is what i am...an empty shell destroyed by myself...i cant feel anything but my pain and her lies i tell her to tell you... when I'm alone i wither into myself and transform into my ghostly self that i hate... i cant tell you the agony i feel... and you can imagine...I'm sorry for the lies you know me for...but i did it for you
Friday, September 11, 2009
Poor Fat Man and Ghost Person
Ok so im watching Conan O'Brien and he stated that a 350lb man...more or less... got rejected from a airflight cairyer because he was too fat...Poor fat man...i too got rejecter for being to fat...of couse im not as fat as you and it was a ride...but it goes up in the air and spins you and then as my step dad says "pees on you"... poor fat man i know how you feel.
**do not worrie said fat man got to where he was getten to rile being rejected by going by gray hound.
earlyer i was going to post via my phone this is what it said
"list of artists i like
avril lavigne
ok nvm i think somebody is outside of my window...hmmm should i be scair or friendly to this ghost person....i cant see this said person...so can...i have a really ugly bug on my tv...its gone and idk wehre it went...Ok can this ghost person see me? Do i know have a peeping tom on my hands...hmmm that said ghost has ether left or it standingtheir watching me. Im not scaird. I kinda would like to meat this ghost...ahhh bug up in my face!!! its that its that freaky lookin one that was on my tv... laylaylexa via phone ill post most more on ghost person"
**do not worrie said fat man got to where he was getten to rile being rejected by going by gray hound.
earlyer i was going to post via my phone this is what it said
"list of artists i like
avril lavigne
ok nvm i think somebody is outside of my window...hmmm should i be scair or friendly to this ghost person....i cant see this said person...so can...i have a really ugly bug on my tv...its gone and idk wehre it went...Ok can this ghost person see me? Do i know have a peeping tom on my hands...hmmm that said ghost has ether left or it standingtheir watching me. Im not scaird. I kinda would like to meat this ghost...ahhh bug up in my face!!! its that its that freaky lookin one that was on my tv... laylaylexa via phone ill post most more on ghost person"
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New Painting
So i just did another painting painting today. It kinda grundgey looking and has mixed colors in it...very dark and cool looking. i had to do it on the back on a painting that my uncle has done...but i love it. im eating dinner and have green paint on my hand...
i also played with kwil seal today and was fun and made a mess! lol...i had a monster of a moth in my room laast night and so i did tis to hopfully keep them buggers out!
i also played with kwil seal today and was fun and made a mess! lol...i had a monster of a moth in my room laast night and so i did tis to hopfully keep them buggers out!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Ok so i have a forum on forumation...Role Players Anonymous A.K.A. RPA. It's gitting really annoying because it goes down like every week! So if anyone knows a better forum hostage then e-mail me at Lexa.Turos@gmail.com and also if you wanna goin RPA it has lots of RP sections to RP on and also age groups to RP on RPA so its a fun fun RP site also had a chat box. http://rpersanonymous.bestofforum.net/forum.htm .
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sun Burns
Ok so i smelt the most amazing perfume 3 nights ago...its Black Star by Avril Lavigne. The fragrance notes feature pink hibiscus, black plum and dark chocolate...i love it my mother loves it....even my grandma loves it!! haha. i really would love love love to buy it, but its like a lot of money...like 20-35 $$$. So my sunburn is really really hurting me.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Ok so today we went to the state fair...again...but this time i didnt get sick and over heated and and dehydrated and and and and i rode almost all the rides including one MJ ride. It was soooo fun the only thing that sux id im as red as a tomato...not kidding...

Me and my sister ju went on "The Drop" it takes you up about 70 ft. - 100 ft. the just drops you. You LEAVE you fucking SEAT!!!
We also went on the magnam...
I also got my turky leg!!! (brother on right)
and took a "drive"...cute pic anyway!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
I Take In Pain
I Take in Pain From Your Heart.
From That Part Of You That Throbs.
I Save Your Weepings And Long Sobs,
And Fill It With Warmth And Ease.
Nobody Knows You Like I.
I Know How You Hide Your Cries.
Nothing But This Can Fix Your Sorrows.
And Tomorrow You Will No longer Have To Disguise.
From The East I Ask Of Air.
To Come Into My Circle.
Make His Pain Disappear.
Fill The Loss With Focus And Ease.
From The South I Ask Of Fire.
To Come Into My Circle.
Make His Pain Melt Away.
Fill The Loss With Energy And Strength
From The West I Ask Of Water.
To Come Into My Circle.
Cleanse His Body Of Pain.
Fill The Loss With His Pasts Reflections And Emotional Release.
From The North I Ask OF Earth.
To Come Into My Circle.
Quake Away His Pain.
Fill In The Loss With Nourishment And Foundation.
I Call On My Own Spirit.
To Fill My Circle.
Replace Mine With His.
To Take is Pain.
Blood To Blood.
Whats Mine Is His,
And Whats His Is Mine.
Release His Pain And Stoke Into Me.
So Mote It Be!
From That Part Of You That Throbs.
I Save Your Weepings And Long Sobs,
And Fill It With Warmth And Ease.
Nobody Knows You Like I.
I Know How You Hide Your Cries.
Nothing But This Can Fix Your Sorrows.
And Tomorrow You Will No longer Have To Disguise.
From The East I Ask Of Air.
To Come Into My Circle.
Make His Pain Disappear.
Fill The Loss With Focus And Ease.
From The South I Ask Of Fire.
To Come Into My Circle.
Make His Pain Melt Away.
Fill The Loss With Energy And Strength
From The West I Ask Of Water.
To Come Into My Circle.
Cleanse His Body Of Pain.
Fill The Loss With His Pasts Reflections And Emotional Release.
From The North I Ask OF Earth.
To Come Into My Circle.
Quake Away His Pain.
Fill In The Loss With Nourishment And Foundation.
I Call On My Own Spirit.
To Fill My Circle.
Replace Mine With His.
To Take is Pain.
Blood To Blood.
Whats Mine Is His,
And Whats His Is Mine.
Release His Pain And Stoke Into Me.
So Mote It Be!
A List Of 10 Resons Why Girls Wish They Were Guys
1. dont have to worrie about how you look
2. dont have to shave
3. dont have to dress up
4. dont have to where mini dipers and/or sticck a cotton stick up your vag.
5. doesnt have to work hard to masterbate
6. dont have P.M.S.
7. dont get minstral cramps
8. dont have to worrie about emberissing snoring
9. dont have to carie a a oerson inside of your body
10. dont have to push that watermelon sized person out of your 3" vag.
2. dont have to shave
3. dont have to dress up
4. dont have to where mini dipers and/or sticck a cotton stick up your vag.
5. doesnt have to work hard to masterbate
6. dont have P.M.S.
7. dont get minstral cramps
8. dont have to worrie about emberissing snoring
9. dont have to carie a a oerson inside of your body
10. dont have to push that watermelon sized person out of your 3" vag.
About La LayLayLexas Name
My real name is Cortney. You all know that i am a RP addict. I joined a RP called Darkness Within as one of the main characters named Alexandra Turos. The Person who started it was a stranger to me and we bonded thanks to the RP. I had never asked for her name, so i just called her Lilly. Why Lilly? Because; her name in the RP was Lillian Estelle and Alexandra (me) called her Lilly for short. We both bonded calling each other Lilly and Alexandra. Well when one of us signed onto MSN the first to im the other would say the other persons "name" in all caps. Alexandra was to long so she shortened it to Lexa.
The LayLay before Lexa is...I do admit a copy from MeMeMolly. She is a big Blogger and Vlogger, And an AMAZING person!
The LayLay before Lexa is...I do admit a copy from MeMeMolly. She is a big Blogger and Vlogger, And an AMAZING person!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Hair Update
Ok so i went to the Dr. today and now i have to still use the baby shampoo AND take vitamins. :( BUT BUT BUT the vita. are also are a dietary supplements! so yayness on that fact!
Monday, August 31, 2009
I just wanna, just wannnnnnnnaaaaaaa! ok thats out of my system. OMG The Luck of the Irish is on right know on the disney channal! I love it when the old disney movies come back on from my disney time! good mimorys...good times...idk i just wantedto do a little blog...im a blogger now lol i need it like a drug! yeah...ok...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wrost Day Ever!
The fair sucked ass! Ok So first we went to the Locford inn. for one of my dads church breakfast things, and Jo locked the keys in the car...they too 20 min. to call fucking AAA who was fucking down the street! So we get to the fair and they only let the car i was in go to the trailer parking lot where we were meeting a friend ( we were in three cars total), So they parked the the parking lot next to the trailer parking. We told our friend and went into parking lot 12 where the others parked, got on the buss to the fair. i have had only one water so far (its now about 80 something outside). my dad gives me money to buy a hat (that i love now). my dad spits to go hangout with his friends at the beer garden ( wow... ok my dads not a drunk just to tell you now! ) and leaves me and my brother with $60 each to ride rides. me and my brother go to the ticket booth and buy unlimited ride passes for $35 each and start on the Farris will to scope out rides. we get off and go to this sick ass ride. get on the ride. once we were fastened in we couldnt breath (the ride goes in circles wile the seats go in circles upside down, to the side, very fast). get off dizzy and breathless (that had been my first up-side-down ride in my life...yes im a lame 18 year old) to the next ride. a roller coaster spiny car thing. we think ok lets catch our breath on that. Fuck man! i hit my head! ok so by now its about 90 degrees and i still had only had that one bottle of water! i don't do good in the heat...at all! so i feel sick from dehydration, i still cant breath from the first ride, and now my head hurts...we (my and my brother) go get me some water... i drank it too fast and upset my stomach more! So then we take the lamest ride we could fine to see how lame it really is... it was so lame i almost cried! ok so i can breath now... we go on that one ride the spins you really fast and you stick to the walls! man i love that ride! so its about like 100 now only the 2 waters in me... i get sick (like barfing) and we set off to find my dad...my left rib cadges starts feeling like a mad man is stabbing me with a butchers knife! i lay down in the shade using my new hat as a pillow (this hat comes in handy a lot!) i sent my brother off to hunt down dad...20 min.......30 min...........60 min.......i set off looking for my dad thinking my brother is with him and forgot about me :( yes my brother would do that! hot asphalt and not enough padding...i know this feeling a lot...my feet are burning....literally burning! i fallow music cuz that someplace dad said he might be...no dad...i go off looking for tents...that where beer is at...no dad...so its like another 30 min...im almost crying...i have a fear of being alone. like its really bad and that what im at. im alone in a big ass parking lot full of shows shops food and drinks and rides not to mention horse races and a petting farm...ok so i do what i was toughed. look for a person that works their and ask for help. they take me to lost kids...yes its really called lost kids and i was their! they set off looking for my dad and for my brother. a hour goes by. 2 hours goes by, sun is burning my back so i use my trusty hat to shade my back! 3 hours goes by. its 3:00 PM and they come back. no dad. no brother... so because of my fear of being alone is so bad i stay where im at...and cuz that's what my momma told me to do when i was a little girl. So its almost 6:00PM and that's when my dad told me and my brother to meet him where we first split. im just about to burst out crying (i was tearing up off on on for 30 min.) when i see my dad and Jo. no brother... dad asks where he is and i told him the whole story... hes not worried... i am...(it was the whole fear of aloneness getting to me...) we go back to lost kids and still not brother. its about 6:30ish...i cant walk anymore because of the pain and burning in my feet...its so bad i let my dad have me take his wheel chair and drive that and have him walk! (my dad just had two back surgeries like 2 weeks ago...) that's how bad it was...and im not that kind of person at all!! so we get back to where we were supposed to meet up...it about 7:00PM no brother...i say behind wile my dad and Jo go back to the beer garden...7:30...8:00...they come back...no brother...EVERYBODY (11 people total + maybe the lost kids still idk) is looking for Scott. we think that he is off riding rides with the unlimited ride pass he and i got at the beginning of the day... 8:30... my momma and step dad are on their way out. 9:00.. by this time i had a cop get me 2 bottles of water...one of my dads friend that was checking in with me get me a corn dog(i haven't eaten seance about 9:00AM!!!) and this random guy with big ass pickles buy me a pickle...it was all with my money except the corn dog he wouldn't take my money...) 9:30PM i see my momma, my sissy, and my step dad walking my way...i havent seen my sister in like a month so she runs over to my and gives my a big hug...my momma comes over and asked what happened and what was going on so far...i told her...she takes off to fine my brother after giving me a big ass hug...my sister stays with me. i ask her if she wants a bite of my big ass pickle (ok this pickle id about 2" round and like 6" long...i know what you are thinking and stop thinking that!) she doesn't like pickles i find out...at 10:00PM we find my brother at the trailer with my dads friends daughter eating corn dogs...FUCKING 10 HOURS LOOKING FOR THIS KID (hes 16) AND HES EATING CORN DOGS WITH GIRLS! he comes back and for the first time in my 18 years and is 16 year we saw our father cry...it was like somebody took my hart and squeezed it so tight! we call off the search party. my momma yelled and my brother and hugs him then start whacking his face with papers...then hugs him again. we leave at 10:30PM and get home at 11:30ish...i fix me some good ass food (dino nuggets) and have a smoke ten crash...
Worst. Day. Ever!
LayLatLater...*mumbles under breath words about my brother*
Worst. Day. Ever!
LayLatLater...*mumbles under breath words about my brother*
Saturday, August 29, 2009
I dont really have anything to talk about. im waiting for my pants to dry so i can get dressed... Then at like 7:30 - 8:00 ish we are going to sacromento to the state fair!!! and im happyness!
So i was watching tattoo highway and this guy wanted to get a cropcercle tat. and it had stuff from the myens or aztects or somebody about the 2012 shit and i was like well if that is true we only have 3 years to live...So another thing is if it was true when wil we die exactly!! i dont believe the 2012 crap...I think they just got tired of all the stuff...or died befor it got done...my brother thinks they got carpletunnle...ether way we both think they just said fuck it and stoped! ha
so yeah! im half ready i just need pants on and then yeah woot woot happyness!
So i was watching tattoo highway and this guy wanted to get a cropcercle tat. and it had stuff from the myens or aztects or somebody about the 2012 shit and i was like well if that is true we only have 3 years to live...So another thing is if it was true when wil we die exactly!! i dont believe the 2012 crap...I think they just got tired of all the stuff...or died befor it got done...my brother thinks they got carpletunnle...ether way we both think they just said fuck it and stoped! ha
so yeah! im half ready i just need pants on and then yeah woot woot happyness!
Friday, August 28, 2009
I hate doing dishes. Like I'd rather not eat then do dishes. So i had like a shit lode of dishes that i hadent dont for like a week an a half to two week that went undone... my mother came and washed and rinsed and i dryed and put away. i got my brother to cook dinner for tonight and momma told him to do the dishes tonight cuz i helped do dishes today. fuck yeah!
So my momma is going to make a Dr. App. and a Dintist App. today and then pay the phone bill...So ill get to text and stuff. The Dr. App. is for the hair loss and The Dintist Is for braces that im going to get...
So my momma is going to make a Dr. App. and a Dintist App. today and then pay the phone bill...So ill get to text and stuff. The Dr. App. is for the hair loss and The Dintist Is for braces that im going to get...
Thursday, August 27, 2009
cali. start fair!
Ok so its cali. state fair fair time! IM FREGGEN GOING 2 WEEKENDS IN A FREGGEN ROW! yayness
L.A. INK & Hair
Kat Von D is so cool. When she was on Miami Ink I hated her. I think that was more cuz ymi hated her, but the more I watch L.A. Ink the more i like her.
My hair is still falling out. I'm using baby shampoo fot crying out loude! Just so it wouldn't fall out! I just "pulled" out like 7 hand fulls of hair. I pput pulled in "" cuz I'm not pulling at all I'm doing is puting my hands throgh my hair and it comes out with hand fulls of hair!
My hair is still falling out. I'm using baby shampoo fot crying out loude! Just so it wouldn't fall out! I just "pulled" out like 7 hand fulls of hair. I pput pulled in "" cuz I'm not pulling at all I'm doing is puting my hands throgh my hair and it comes out with hand fulls of hair!
Hair Extensions!
I need effing hair extensions! I hate my hair that I have now! its SO short and SO like...like...Its like a mulit! and i cant stand it! i had Long hair just below my brests and now it above my freggen shoulders! I have 2 opptions... Hair ex. OR Shave my head and get a Pro wig! My mom REALLY wants me to not shave my head but she wont pay for the H.E.... so ger!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Msg me @
uhthegif yuhthegou cuhthegan ruhthegead thuhthegis uhthege-muhthegail muhthege uhthegat Lexa.Turos@gmail.com!
uthegim truhthegying tuhthego luhthegean gibberish!
uthegim truhthegying tuhthego luhthegean gibberish!
I Love Criss Angel! Im Watching Him On A&E Right Now! I REALLY Wanna Go To LasVages To Stalk Him and See His Cerk Du Celay(SP?) Show Believe!
So my dad is not lost any more! he came back i guess he had a dinner thing... so i have fish... AND MY BROTHERS FISH AT THEM ALL!!!!! So my mouth hurts from eating Sabritonrs chile & Lime... sadness about my fish :( OMG YAYNESS MY BFF LILLY IS ON!!
P.S. yayness more emily is on!!
P.S. yayness more emily is on!!
Cook-Ies And Milk!
So I'm sitten here blogging watching Ghost Hunters, and eating Cookies and milk. I lost my father! i have know clue where the fuck he is! It's freggen 8:05 PM! I Dont know where he could be...ill post if i find him!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Pizza With Old Friends
So my dad has 2 friends he is still talking to from high school; Lee and Loren. Loren is down for the week for the state fair. We went to the pizza plus and it was grate! i ate WAY too much... There was a little baby, and he had SO much fun with me! I love babys SO much they make me smile, AND little boy babys J'ADORE me! haha im not polling a MJ (R.I.P.!) but they just flur and flur with me. I want a baby bot SO bad but im not ready at all the have a kid. Lees' wife scolded me about my cutting tonight as well. She toldme i was hurting everybody by hurting myself...She doesnt understand...telling me like that. Breaking down like that. FUCKING TELLING ME THAT IM hurting my dad! It just wants me to do it a lot more! i cant handle it!
speaking in gibberish
huhthegelluhthego! muhthegy nuhthegame uhthegis luhthegexuhthega tuhtheguruhthegos. uhthegor luhthegayluhthegayluhthegexuhthega! uhthegi luhthegernuhtheged huhthegow tuhthego spuhthegeak guhtheibbuhthhegeruhtheish!
"hello my name is lexa turos. or laylaylexa! i learned how to speak gibberish!
"hello my name is lexa turos. or laylaylexa! i learned how to speak gibberish!

I am craving taco truck burritos! I only have 2 or 3 taco trucks i love, and one like down the road from my house is my #1 favorit. They make like humongus burrotos. The chicken sapream burritos with extra chease and rice! mmm; so yummy! Oh! and dont forget the hot sause! So if you dont know what a taco truck is... they look like this...

only where i live they don't have tables.
Monday, August 24, 2009
OK so i have this obsession with MeMeMolly. I just was to be like her ... http://www.youtube.com/user/mememolly#play/uploads/58/91ExPfrr26Y ... she just so comfortable with her self.
About The LaylayLexa
Hey I'm LeylayLexa! I'm 18 years old, and living full time with my dad. For the past year i have been movie back and forth between my momma and my dad.
My dad just went through 2 major back surgeries. They put rods and bolts in this neck and upper back, but the Dr. couldn't see where to bolts in. After the surgery my dad was in a scale to 1-10 about a 16 amount of pain. i stood with him doing anything to stop his pain, or at least minimize it down to at least 10. so 3 days later he went back into surgery to remove the right sided rod and bolts because they were pinching the nerves that led to his right arm. so he is doing better now and I'm taking care of him now. Although both he and I think that it caused permanent damage to his arm.
My mom she loves me. but when you live in a 3 room, 2 bath duplex with 5-6 people on the weekdays, and 7-8 people on the weekend and 4 dogs... You can go crazy easy! My mom never pays the bills on time. she works in a hospital, and loves me and my brother and will starve to get us something that we want.
Myself I suffer from severe depression and a hypothyroid. I'm struggling with self-mutilation a.k.a. self-injuring, I cut my self. i kept it a secrit from my family for 5 years and then after something horrible happened to me. Its a bit Private to talk about. I have tried to kill myself a few times. when I'm on my medicine i feel so good, so happy, and off then I'm suicidal...but yet i have stopped taking them even though I know how I'm going to feel like total complete shit. I am TOTALY addicted to RPing (Role Playing) and have 2 BEST friends in the World Emily and Lilly.
My dad just went through 2 major back surgeries. They put rods and bolts in this neck and upper back, but the Dr. couldn't see where to bolts in. After the surgery my dad was in a scale to 1-10 about a 16 amount of pain. i stood with him doing anything to stop his pain, or at least minimize it down to at least 10. so 3 days later he went back into surgery to remove the right sided rod and bolts because they were pinching the nerves that led to his right arm. so he is doing better now and I'm taking care of him now. Although both he and I think that it caused permanent damage to his arm.
My mom she loves me. but when you live in a 3 room, 2 bath duplex with 5-6 people on the weekdays, and 7-8 people on the weekend and 4 dogs... You can go crazy easy! My mom never pays the bills on time. she works in a hospital, and loves me and my brother and will starve to get us something that we want.
Myself I suffer from severe depression and a hypothyroid. I'm struggling with self-mutilation a.k.a. self-injuring, I cut my self. i kept it a secrit from my family for 5 years and then after something horrible happened to me. Its a bit Private to talk about. I have tried to kill myself a few times. when I'm on my medicine i feel so good, so happy, and off then I'm suicidal...but yet i have stopped taking them even though I know how I'm going to feel like total complete shit. I am TOTALY addicted to RPing (Role Playing) and have 2 BEST friends in the World Emily and Lilly.
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